Sunday, August 2, 2009

Let's start w/ the basics!

For years, I've had pots and pans and utensils...with no desire or idea how to actually use them. So one day I actually tried and it was a total disaster! I didn't realize the work that actually goes into cooking and the preliminary knowledge that you must have before you even start!

I'm finally starting to get tired of being the country girl who can't cook! Here is my basic startup list to keep you from making the same mistakes I did! I already feel more confident about my second experience in the kitchen!

1. What the heck is a tsp?? I found this handy chart online that made it very clear!

Common Measurement Abbreviations
gal. = gallon
l = liter
mL = milliliter
oz. = ounce
pt. = pint
qt. = quart
Tbls. = tablespoon
tsp. = teaspoon

2. OK, the recipe says add 1 quart of water....ummm, my measuring cup only has cups. Yes, my friends, cooking involves conversions. Dang, I wish I would have paid more attention in math!

This one is even better!

3. Reduce....what temperature is that?? How the heck do you saute' something?? This handy dictionary breaks it all down! Give it a whirl...type in simmer!

4. Umm, did you know you're supposed to keep potato salad as cold as possible at all times? If you don't want to kill yourself or your pending dinner might want to read up on food safety and storage. This site is AWESOME!! There is even a downloadable chart for how long you should keep items in the fridge or freezer. SO COOL!

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